A few questions

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Joined: Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:55 pm
Location: Poole, Dorset

Post: # 106952Post dendenden

Hello all.

I wonder if those of you with more experience than I have on patio building would mind offering a bit of guidance.

I’ve removed the previous patio (the base was crumbling / slabs had become detached from the mortar, and am aiming to redo with sandstone pavers. The area is 3.5mX6m

After looking on this site, I must commend the makers on such a wealth of useful information. I've gained quite a few really helpful pointers such as ensuring there’s adequate run off (I’ve pegged it out at 1:60) and laying the pavers on a full layer of mortar, on compressed MOT type 1.

There’s a couple of areas though that I’m unsure of.

1. At the lowest point, the patio level will be slightly below the level of the grass (5cm mortar + 3cm paver. Is this a concern? Should it be higher than the grass level? I’m reluctant to raise it further as this would mean a higher step near the house.
2. Do I require a drainage trench running alongside the edge of the patio to help disperse water in heavy rain? I was considering a 30cm deep / 15cm wide trench of pea gravel.
3. At the highest end of patio (running alongside the green fence) I was considering laying dense blocks to the height of where the mortar layer will go, then infilling with MOT type 1. Is this acceptable?

Here's a link to some photos to help my descriptions:

I hope that makes sense- do excuse me if these questions provoke any sighs or face-palming- any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Den.

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