Pvc gutter drainage - 90 degree street / sweep

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Post: # 85114Post Gchild2005

Ok, I've done my research but I've got one more question before I do underground PVC drain pipes for my gutters. I'm going from vertical to horizontal at the bottom of the gutter...I'm going to put on the downspout adapter and have a wye below it as a cleanout. After the wye I'm turning 90 degrees and going horizontal away from the house. My question: is there such thing as a street & sweep 90 degree piece of PVC? I'm trying to hook the 90 straight into the bottom of the wye hub. I've seen the street 90 degree pieces but not sure they will work... Any other suggestions if the 90 street & sweep doesn't exist? Am I stuck puttin a piece of PVC inbetween them? I'm trying to keep from having to go so deep...

Make sense?

Tony McC
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Post: # 85116Post Tony McC

Gchild2005 wrote:Make sense?
Not to me. I've been fiddling around with drainage for the best part of 45 years but I've never heard of a "street and sweep 90".


I assume the "wye" is a Y-junction, which must be an oblique or breeches oblique. Following this logic, the reason for using one must be to provide a rodding point, so why not use an access gully? Feed the downpipe into the back section and you still have rod/camera access, plus the 90° bend comes as part of the package.
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Post: # 85124Post Gchild2005

Sorry for the confusion. I'm pretty (self-admitted) ignorant about the terminology. I just regurgitate what I see on the labels at Lowes hardware. Just realized y'all are in England as well so I believe that is not helping (looked like the best forum to pose my question from a google search). Anyway, I'll give it another shot. The street 90 seems to be a regular elbow with a hub and slip end. The sweep 90 is an elongated elbow to allow better & stronger flow. I'm trying to use the y junction (called a wye here) for easy access above grade. Honestly not familiar with what an access gully is. I haven't been able to find a sweep elbow that has a hub AND slip side. They seem to only have hubs on both ends. If you're not sure what I'm saying I might have to look somewhere on this side of the pond for an answer.

Also thought about turning the y junction on its 'back' but that leaves the access (rodding point) below grade and up against the house.

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Post: # 85126Post lutonlagerlout

we normally use something like these
Image for rodding access
I take it this is your rainwater we are talking about?
you can also use these
But I normally discharge the rainwater into a gully like this
if you have a picture it may help
cheers LLL
"what,you want paying today??"


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