Laying new lawn over sub base

All forms of block paving, brick paving, flexible or rigid, concrete or clays, new construction or renovation
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Post: # 1417Post 67-1093879114

What a great site, incredible amount of info. Could you advise? I am having block paving laid, which will encompass a new lawn area. As I am already using the sub-base for the block paving, could I spread some under the lawn area for drainage, add some top soil, and then turf? I have read that M.O.T standard sub-base is usually lime stone, and I am worried this might effect the lawn. Sorry if this is more of a gardening problem.


Post: # 1418Post 84-1093879891

Hi Colin,

I suppose it is more of a soft-landscaping Q than Hard-landscaping, but as I'm quite keen on gardening myself, and I've laid a few hectares of turf in my time, I reckon I can dredge up an answer. :)

Sub-base beneath turf is a waste. It won't do too much harm, as long as there is plenty of soil cover, say 200-300mm, but you could use a cheaper fill material such as crusher run sandstone. Limestone won't damage the grass - some of the finest (finest as in fine-leaved) turf is grown in limestone areas.

The quality of the top-soil is more important than what you lay as a sub-base. If you can get a nice sandy loam, then 200mm or so of that will be grand. :)


Post: # 1421Post 67-1093879114

Cheers Tony,
You have been a great help.Keep up the good work.

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