Hardstanding - Where does the water go?

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Post: # 9921Post danensis

My uphill neighbour (a business) has concrted his yard to provided car-parking space. As far as I can see he has made no provision for surface water drainage, so its all going to run onto my land.

I seem to recall that one should make provision for draining hard-standing, but can't rmember if it is the BCO or the water wuthority that enforce it.

Any ideas? I've written to the owner of the land to ask what provision he has made, but got no response.

Tony McC
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Post: # 9961Post Tony McC

Tech Services in Chesterfield, Jon. They will be acting agents for the water board and should be the enforcers, but they'll probably cry off and pretend it's nowt to do with them. Your only course of action after that is to bring in a <spit> lawyer and write to the property owner advising them of your exhorbitant intended claim for damage to your land and property and general inconvenience, which will run into thousands unless they install some for of interceptor drain to prevent run-off discarging onto your patch.

If you have a mortgage, your BS might be willing to recommend a shark familiar with property law.
Site Agent - Pavingexpert

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