Paving surface water - Draining into fowl water system?

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Post: # 83140Post Melo

Ok so it's not the most favoured solution to drain the water from the paving into the FWS but if there is no other option as the garden is walled. Is it actually considered wrong to drain a small part (15m2) towards an existing drain? I'm a landscape gardener and would like an expert to confirm this for me?
Many many thanks

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Post: # 83143Post lutonlagerlout

it is illegal in most areas to channel RW into a FW system
if you ask permission you will generally be refused
if you *DO* do it without asking make sure you use a silt trap and or roddable gully to alleviate smells coming from the sewers
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Post: # 83147Post Melo

Thanks for your quick reply so I mean to a drain that exists from a gutter coming down from the roof . I phoned planning today and they said there was no permission needed to use the existing gully. He mentioned nothing about it being illegal! Is in someone's private back garden?

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Post: # 83154Post lutonlagerlout

that drain MAY run to a soakaway
its hard to tell without checking
do a hosepipe test first and see if its clear
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