No fall - Ic to ic to ic

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Post: # 82458Post A.V.A.G.O

Hi All
could you offer me some advice ?
My BIL has just started a new extension, all footings are in and it will be a block N Beam floor, part af the new extension will be a bathroom, this will involve a new IC, into the existing IC, but we cant get enough / any fall on it. there are two IC's at the back of the house, the one we want to connect into and the one that it connects to, there is about 8 inch difference between the two, is there anything we can do to overcome this, short of digging the whole back garden up ?
cheers for looking :)

msh paving
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Post: # 82462Post msh paving

how far is the pipe run,200m fall will be 10m ish run,we need more details and measurments MSH :)
paving, mini-crusher, mini-digger hire and groundwork

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