There are details on this website of how to do this, however I did a bit of searching on Google I think statements like:
Land drainage and groundwater will not be allowed to
discharge into the public sewerage systems either directly
or via private drains or sewers.
So what is the current state of play on this….
Why is it OK to drain paving in the back garden into the public system, but I can’t drain the same area of garden into the public system?
(Before anyone says “soak away� may I say deep clay, the water level did not go down in a 3 foot test pit at all overnight and locals tell me the clay is up to 100feet deep in my area!)
I don't know the SUDS regulations inside out because they aren't in effect in Scotland but I was under the impression that they applied to your back garden too
AFAIK we are not allowed to discharge
rainwater or surface water into foul water sewers
doesnt matter if its clay,dig a bigger soakaway
we did an 2 8 cubic meter soakaways last year on the same house
cost a bomb
Ringi I think you're confusing Sewers with the stormwater system you cannot and should not drain rainwater into the Sewer unless it's a combined system.