Q: What does a short sighted gynecologist and a dog heve in common??
A: They both have wet noses!
3 rats in a pub......The frst rat says youknow what lads, Im well hard me ya know!!!
The other rats say "flip off"
so he says "i am, this mornin i looked out of my hole and there was a big rat trap with a massive block of cheese on it,so i flipped the catch ate the cheese,got dressed come to the pub now im havin a beer.......now thats hard!!!"
the 2nd rat says that aint hard......."This mornin i woke up to find a big bag of rat poison outside my hole!.........so i picked it up and ate the lot,and look at me, im fine lads......now thats hard!"
the 3rd rat says "flip it........im off home to Shag the cat again!!!"
Two tourists were driving through Wales.
At Llanhyfryddawelllehynafolybaarcudprindanfygythiadtrienusyrha fnauole,
they stopped for lunch and one tourist asked the waitress,
"Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are... very slowly?"
The waitress leaned over and said "Burrr-gurrr-Kinngg..."
Some random jokes - Some more crap jokes
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