General advice needed

Patio flagstones (slabs), concrete flags, stone flags including yorkstone and imported flagstones.
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Post: # 1739Post Guest

There seem to quite a few knowledgeable people on here so i hope someone can be bothered to read the whole of this and offer me some advice.
Want to lay a new patio where my old huge shed used to be (14' x 8' !!!). The total new area is about 12m square. base will be concrete. obviously this area will be for light use only in terms of loads. This would be a DIY job.
My queries are:
How deep does my concrete foundation have to be - will 6" suffice?
Wanted Yorkstone slabs (between 60cm x 45cm and 30cm x 30cm areas at about 5cm thick), but are there any alternatives i should be considering? (import, other materials for example)
What about reclaimed stones? Seem like a nice idea but i'm no expert and would worry about getting duff stones!
I'm in leicester and would obviously prefer a local stockist - can anyone recommend anyone in leiecster or the surrounding area (i've heard stonepaving in lutterworth are good).
Many thanks for your advice.


Post: # 1740Post 84-1093879891

Have you read any of the main site? The answers to many of your questions are there, if you care to look.

How deep does my concrete foundation have to be ?

75-100mm will be plenty. You can get away with 50mm for a patio with no heavy traffic.

What about alternatives/reclaimed stones?

Have a look on the main site - there are dozens, nay hundreds, of ideas! Start on the Patio Paving page and work your way from there.

can anyone recommend anyone in leiecster or the surrounding area ?
If you're after stone paving, the Stonepave are ok, or Trent Stone in Nottingham, or Midland Slate & Tile - there's a whole page of links to possible suppliers, elsewhere on this website.

There seems to be quite a few people coming straight to the Brew Cabin of late, and ignoring the main content of the site. Maybe it's time for a re-think on the layout of this part of Pavingexpert! Any comments?

Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2003 5:41 pm

Post: # 1741Post Andrew

Suppliers of paving in the East Midlands...John Stephens in Nottingham is a large merchant who are usually very helpful.

People coming straight to the Brew Cabin.....sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.....don't answer the question but refer them to a particular folder on the site. As I said you go looking for one thing and then spend hours browsing loads of other very good informative stuff.



Post: # 1742Post Guest

thanks for the advice chaps.
Sorry boss, i have read the site (all the info about nastikemmickles etc.) but its always good to get more than one opinin on things. I was also looking for subjective opinions that only people not connected to the site can give (don't use such and such a person cos they are shit etc.)
Obviously the site is very informative but libel would prevent you from slagging businesses off.
Anyhow thanks for the feed back.


Post: # 1743Post 84-1093879891

It's not libel when it's true, is it? If summat is shite, I'll say it's shite; that's an opinion. It get's a little more difficult when an individual or company is slated, but by steering folk towards the better products and companies, then I don't need to fret about slagging-off the second-rate outfits. :)


Post: # 1746Post Guest

sorry boss..once again...least now i know you don't advertise shite
cheers...mugs of sweet milky tea and ginger nuts on the way!

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