I am lifting up an exisiting patio that's block paved and has been laid on sand. The pation is around 30 sqm and I will be using natural sand stone.
I will relevel the base and need some advice on further preparation.
Do I lay the stones on sand following your "individual" method?
If this is the case should I still compact a layer of sand and then add another layer of sand that's 15-25mm?
Thanks. Will the dry mix be your 10:1 on your site for individual bedding?
I am also covereing an exisiting flower bed that has not prviously had patio slaps. Is it suitable to compact sharp sand as a base layer?
if you are going over an old flower bed, probably best if you put some type 1 in as a subase, this is just to stop the soft soil from the flower bed subsiding causing differential settlement. it wont have to be that deep, probably around 75mm as its only going to be lightly trafficed.
If you're using a cement-bound bedding layer, then use more of the same to "improve" what was the flower beds, or do as Mark B suggests and use a granular sub-base material.