Land drain question - Rugby pitch

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Post: # 11216Post exco

just wondering if anyone could help, i have been through 17 pages and havent found what i want so far.
Rugby/footy pitch, hi level clay causing unplayable suface due to watterlogging for the footy lads. I want to install a land drain in the heringbone shape, do i go for the collector drain, and if so what distance from the pitch to the top of the gravel should i allow.
one more thing when i exco the clay for a collector drain what backfill shall i lay the turf on.maybe- turf-sand-membrane
or- turf-topsoil-membrane
with how much backfill above the membrane considering the suface will be getting churned up.
any help will be very appreciated.

Tony McC
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Post: # 11218Post Tony McC

No-one can give you a definitive answer. land drainage sytems have to be designed to suit the site in question. The type of soil and subsoil, the outfall, the site access - all these factors and more will determine what is required.

If this was a back garden, you could hazard a guess, but for a commercial application such as this, you really need advice from an onsite evaluation.
Site Agent - Pavingexpert

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