I have uncovered another "soakaway" that is supposed to dispose of rainwater from part of the house roof. I doesn't do it very well as it consists of a 110mm pipe with some sack in the end, emptying into some building rubble approx 500mm below ground level.
I would quite like to create a small pond in that part of the garden and was wondering if it was at all possible to use this rainwater to keep the pond filled. Any suggestions more than welcomed.
Yes, there's no reason why it shouldn't work as a pond, but you will need an overflow solution, just in case that sack-ended pipe delivers more water than the pond can cope with.
Thanks for the replies guys. There may be hope for this project yet. If I leave the pipe open into the bottom of the pond (500mm down) will the water not back flow and end up filling downpipes from the gutters before it can fill the pond?