Thursday, September 13, 2007


Question of the day

Today's QOTD.....

my friend layed a concrete patio out side his house and the surface is turning to dust as you turn your feet on it. no i think it was to the lack of cement, is there any thing we can paint, pour like resin on the top to penertrate, to make it hard? or is it start again? do we really believe this happened to "a friend"?? Would this be one of those "friends" that is prone to contracting STDs, collecting 78 records, enjoying musical theatre, crocheting antimacassars in their spare time, and falling victim to all sorts of other embarassing incidents, perchance?

Also, do you reckon he's right about the lack of cement? Could anyone actually make concrete and forget to add the cement?

Gawd luv 'em!

we did a large water treatment in dover and one day filled a shutter with concrete ( backblinding )and the concrete company had put so little cement in that it collapsed when struck.if the big boys can forget.....
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