Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Britain allowed to remain in 16th century

News that Europe has given up on attempting to compel Britain to convert fully to the metric system disappoints, but doesn't really surprise me. Just why this island wants to cling to an outdated base 12/14/16 system is one of the great mysteries of life, like nature's love of the Fibonacci series or Marshalls' belief that Diarmuid Gavin's Luna Patio kit was a good idea. Some things are just beyond explanation.

However, the news reminds me of a tale my late father told me regarding his Aunt Peg McCormack, who ran a greengrocery business in Dublin for many years. When Ireland accepted the metric system, she had an elderly customer come into the shop and ask for "five pounds of tayties".

"It's all changed now, Mairead", says Peg. "We're after turning metric and it's kilos we're to use from now on".

"That's fine", answers the bemused customer, "I'll take five pounds of kilos, so".

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