Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:13 pm
Went to Glum yesterday, sorry i mean Glee.
Was going to let you all know of the day's eagerly awaited excitement.
But alas there was none.
Most memorable part of the day was the drive from Oxford along the M40. Had a blinding bacon bagette at lunchtime and there were some lovely siamese cats on show.
Did any of you lot find it a bit of none event as well?
Or was i just to over come by the most excellent M40 drive and missed it. pmsl. Nick.
Was going to let you all know of the day's eagerly awaited excitement.
But alas there was none.
Most memorable part of the day was the drive from Oxford along the M40. Had a blinding bacon bagette at lunchtime and there were some lovely siamese cats on show.
Did any of you lot find it a bit of none event as well?
Or was i just to over come by the most excellent M40 drive and missed it. pmsl. Nick.