york stone - plenty of it

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Post: # 4358Post 101-1096815804

I have recently bought an old disused graveyard (around 500 headstones) I am looking to sell them on, any ideas ?

(Edited by et tu brute at 7:44 pm on June 17, 2004)

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Post: # 4364Post TonyMcC

Headstone flags come up every now and again, but most people are very wary about buying them - there's something macabre about them that limits their appeal.

The last time I heard of some being sold was as replacement stock for a local Parish Church where much of the church grounds had been paved with 16th-18th century headstones. A number of the original headstones/flagstones were broken and had been temporarily replaced with truly awful concrete copies - the parish bought 30-odd square metres of the 'recycled' headstones to use as replacements for the replacements.


Post: # 4366Post 101-1096815804

how much did they bring per metre ? cheers.

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Post: # 4370Post TonyMcC

I don't know, to be honest, but I can't see it being more than 10-15 quid per square metre.


Post: # 4372Post 100-1096815711

As a genealogist, could I please ask that you record all the details on the headstones? These records are really valuable to family historians, and once gone are lost forever. Your local Family History Society might even come and record the names if they haven't already done so, and they are insured whilst working on such projects so you don't have to worry too much about them dropping them on their toes.


Post: # 4377Post 101-1096815804

Church records are available to the general public to view in perpetuity, any geneologist should know this, regards.

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