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Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 6:35 pm
I've got about 1 1/2 cubic metres to do tomorrow I hope, starting early. It's going to be 30C by lunchtime. The site's in full sun.

I have a tarpaulin over it at the moment as a sunshade. I hope it all cools overnight. I have watered the all-in-one ballast. I won't use the two top layers of cement on the pallet 'cos they are hot. I'll be working on my own with a smallish mixer 100lt I think. The plan is to do a strip about 2m x 5m by about 140mm deep

I am worried that even if I keep a "wet edge" and work from one end to the other, it will go off too much before I can tamp it.

After/during, I will give it a bit of a wet/keep it covered with tarpaulin.

Is this too looney? I'd leave it for a day, but then we have downpours forecast....

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:52 pm
by dig dug dan
On your own is mad enough without this heat, let alone 30 degrees plus. It would wait until the temperature cools, you wont be able to strike in level, it will go off too quick.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:50 pm
I don't know what to do. I've got 4 1/2 cubic metres to do, in 3 strips, and the stuff to do it with, but the weather forecast says while it'll be cooler soon, it will hiss down.

FWIW I use "metcheck" which I have found to be good:

I need to get the stuff down soon. Do I say "bother it" and wait for the rain next week? It's not working in the heat that bothers me as much as what it will do for the concrete. Quickcrete volumetric mixers or whoever they are delivered to someone today, this afternoon, but it's different for them I suppose.

Edit: I say "Bother it" and wait until Friday when it's supposed to be cooler but a chance of rain. Metcheck says today will be 30C by noon, then getting hotter. Nice out at the moment though.