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Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 9:44 am
by DIY Tom
Hello. I'm just planning out a new flexible block paved driveway and have hit a snag already (the first of many, no doubt).

I would like the new driveway to come as close to the house as possible (i.e. with a slight gap between house and edge). Upon inspection of the area, I've found a concrete base (support?) that surrounds the bay window and (possibly) continues along the front of the house.

Some points that may or may not be relevant:

a) There is a slight gap between the concrete and house wall.
b) The concrete slopes away from the house.
c) The concrete is ~58cm long (from house to lawn edge).
d) The house is semi-detached and a mirror image of next door (i.e. same bay window and I assume same concrete base). They have a driveway butting right up to the house, which to all intents and purposes is what I'm looking to do.
e) I am intending on raising the level of the driveway. Where the concrete base meets the bay, it'll be raised ~80mm (I believe this should still be fine for DPC). This is also what they've done next door.

I've uploaded a couple of photos that might help. See here.

So, I have a few questions:

1. Any idea what that concrete base is for? I'm assuming it is supporting the bay window wall!

2. If the concrete base is supporting the wall or something else... how can I dig out the appropriate ~200mm in preparation?

3. Should I try to ascertain how deep the concrete base goes, with a view to possibly partially removing a section from the top of it (so I can at least have some MOT on top of this small area + concrete + edge course pavers)?

4. Or should I just avoid it like the plague and try to make that area decorative instead?


P.s. First post here so feel I should say thanks to Tony and co for such a great resource. I wouldn't describe myself as much of a handyman, but thanks to the Paving Expert website, my Dad and I managed to lay a brand new 35m2 patio out the back of my house last year! ...And it is still there!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:23 pm
by dig dug dan
It just looks like some sort of old path, and nothing structural. Juts dig it out. Should be ok!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:07 pm
by DIY Tom
Cheers Dan! Will give it a go... :cool:

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:35 pm
by Tony McC
And ? ? ?

How did it go?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:18 am
by DIY Tom
Ha! Sorry to leave you hanging... Dan was bang on, it was just an old path. A little embarrassing as had I done a little excavation to check the depth of the path... it would have been obvious that it wasn't anything structural!

Here are some photos of work in progress...