Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:29 pm
newbie with first question. Great site btw.
Just coming to the final stage of making the base for new oak frame garage. Foundations and block/brick work completed leaving huge hole (6m x 5m x 500mm deep) to fill before oversite. Is there an approx calculation for the weight to volume for hardcore? It's sold by the tonne but I only know the volume I have to fill. Also is it better to use crushed concrete rather than hardcore? Any help much appreciated.
Just coming to the final stage of making the base for new oak frame garage. Foundations and block/brick work completed leaving huge hole (6m x 5m x 500mm deep) to fill before oversite. Is there an approx calculation for the weight to volume for hardcore? It's sold by the tonne but I only know the volume I have to fill. Also is it better to use crushed concrete rather than hardcore? Any help much appreciated.