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Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:16 am
by mrcw
It there a method for erecting a closeboard fence with the concrete posts, the type were you bolt the rail to, Ie its quite easy to dig each dole the same depth, but not all the ground will be level, is there a way, so not as to hump the post in and out to keep checking for level all the time, its ok with wooden you can just cut the tops off :laugh:
Also on a 1.8 high fence would you have 2 or 3 rails
And what would the distance be of the rails from the top and botton be
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 11:01 pm
by Tony McC
Set up a line at a known height relative to the fence, and ensure it is above the highest point on the ground. The line might be 100mm or so above ground level (on average) and could be a taut string line or a laser line. You then have a reference to guide the depth of post holes.
F'rinstance - sinking a typical 2350mm (7' 9") post for a 1800mm high fence. You need 2350-1800 = 550mm of the post below the level of the bottom of the fence panel. Your guide line is set at 100mm above that, so, while digging the hole, keep checking until you are at least 550+100 = 650mm below the line.
I always preferred to dig the hole over-deep by around 50mm or so, and then put a spade of concrete in the bottom of the hole. This makes for easier adjustment of the post in terms of height, as it can be 'screwed' into the concrete if too high or additional concrete can be trickled in if the post is too low.
Put a pencil mark on the post at the point that should align with the guide line. In the example above, we know that 650mm of the post needs to be below the guide line, so a pencil mark 650mm from the base end of the post is what's needed.
As you work your way along, digging the holes and dropping in the posts, you should find that each post is spot on for height.
For a 1800mm close board fence, my preference would be for 3 rails at +250mm, +900mm, and +1550mm