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Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:05 pm
by bikerbob
Hello, Im Bob and Ive had a field drain installed but ive had nothing but problems from the start. The last straw was when i got someone to dig a bit up to discover that none of the pipes have neen connected.

Im basically looking for advice as im taking action against the people who installed it.

The trench is only 250 mm deep ! I also thought it should be peas/gravel in drainage.

Pipes were laid on mud - no bed of gravel.


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Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:17 pm
by local patios and driveway
More pics and more details please, those pipes look as if they have been pulled apart

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:56 pm
by bikerbob
hello, thats the exact way the pipes were found when we lifed the grass. The pipe from the bottom is coming from a drain and there is no connectors to join the pipes.

What other information would be helpfull to you. Thats all the pictures i have at the moment although i can take more.


Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:41 am
by seanandruby
hi bob. I would of liked to see the pipes a bit deeper.
Are the pipes perforated, wrapped in terran? I would also expect the trench lined with geo textile and then at least 100ml of gravel, then pipe, gravel surround and the terran placed over the gravel before backfill. Is it going to a catchpit, soakaway etc:

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:59 pm
by Tony McC
Pipes look far too shallow and the "gravel" doesn't look very gravelly, looks more like 40mm clean.

The lack of a perfect connection is less of a worry, as the whole thing is intended to be a leaky pipe, but judging from that one photie, it looks like a crappy job.

Sean's comments re geo-textile and gravel surround are true and the lascvk of these acts as a further indicator that this is just a cowboy job.