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Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:25 am
by mikec1972
Hi all,

Have a fairly big rural driveway 30m+ long, founded on land which can from time to time get quite wet, slightly boggy. The driveway will comprise 300mm type 1, with 50mm gravel on top (any reccomendations on gravel size?) As an added precaution will be running a parallel filter drain down the low side of the driveway for over the edge drainage and to also help drain the sub grade. In terms of edging what would you recommend we set the level at, if we set it 20mm above the level of the gravel to catch any loose stones then was worried we might have pooling of water along the low edge of the drive before it runs over the edging, but then if we lay the edging flush then we might get stones scattered all over the shop, then again any pooling of water might drain away in time given the gravel/stone driveway. the driveway will be used by quite heavy farm vehicles hence the need for edging btw, any recommendations on gravel spec/size had a 10mm down to 5mm mentioned but also a 20mm?


Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:47 pm
by Carberry
Set edging higher than level of gravel, put channel on inside of edging at bottom of gravel, cover with terram to act as a filter, like with a soakaway or land drainage.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:03 am
by seanandruby
won't the farm plant vehicles damage you drains. I'm thinking either surround in no fines concrete, or keep drains on outside and lay edgings in no fines. Also don't think stones are a very good idea with farm machinert because of pick up in muddy wheels.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:23 am
by mikec1972
Thanks for the replies, when setting a channel to the inside edge of the edging did you mean an aco or channel block, was thinking if i had a channel block with top surface set flush with the underside of gravel and inside the high edging this could maybe catch the run-off, then longfall it down the length of the drive to a gully flush with underside of chippings and wrapped in terram to prevent clogging.

OR........maybe go with a self binding gravel (which would be less permeable and allow run off at the top surface-rather than underside of chippings) edgings set flush then over the edge drainage to filter drain.

What are your thoughts?