Soak away or not? - Flooding

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Post: # 81016Post Majall

Just about to get new conservatory and asking the opportunity to hard landscape the garden. Our garage is attached to the house but the door is at the lowest point in the back garden which unhelpfully is where all the surface rain water collects. There is a drain right by the door which has become increasingly slow draining - now virtually to a standstill. So I took the plunge today lifted the flags and found the u shaped drain pipe immediately connected to yellow PVC pipe which appears to be perforated. I'm assuming this setup is/was meant to be a soak away but it is right beside the door and the sand/clay under the paving is saturated - hence no soaking away! Surely this is too close to the house? Is the best solution to dig a new soak away pit when the garden is being dug up anyway and extend the proper drain pipe? How far? Should I move the drain too - away from the door? Do I need to get a specific piece of kit or is a pit filled with stones & gravel sufficient? Ideas welcome!

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Post: # 81017Post local patios and driveway

That could be leading out to a soakaway but you wouldnt use perf pipe. A soakaway minimum 5m from your property and no closer than 2m from your boundaries should do the trick

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Post: # 81028Post Majall

the offending drain (or non drain.....)


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Post: # 81032Post lutonlagerlout

oh dear
i wonder why they did that?
photos need to be resized to 800 by 600 for optimal viewing
obviously if its not working it needs fixing
will a soakaway work where you are?
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Post: # 81040Post seanandruby

ad the perf' pipe isn't wrapped, it will of silted up. Probably full of sand. Maybe chase it along to find out where it goes, might just need cleaning out and wrapping. You won't know till you try. Or the soakaway is inadequate, not deep enough , or full of rubblw which has also silted up. You need to dig down and do a soakaway rest to see if your soil drains/well enough.

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Post: # 81060Post Majall

I'm not convinced a soak away will work in this position (which I'm nt happy about anyway) You can see from the picture that the area is flooded and not draining. The sand and clay soil was saturated. I think since the garden will be stripped and levelled in prep for the conservatory founds this would be a good time to deal with the problem. plan A is to move the gully away from the door by about two feet and the extend a drain pipe out into the garden. From reading through the forum a metre deep hole with a crate filled with 10mm shingle and wrapped (geo something?) should work? I should also add that the other gullies and down pipes discharge into the foul water system so could I connect this one in? (Plab B) I plan to put in linear channels in the new paving parallel to the back of the house anyway - the existing path slopes away from the house but the garden slopes towards :S

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