Linear drain - Help!

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:46 am
Location: Yorkshire

Post: # 30398Post beadie

The current drive has been built so that it points back towards the house. When it rains heavy the rainwater pools at the side of the house and I presume goes into the airbricks as they are at floor level.

I have looked through the airbricks and can see no standing water and can see no sign of damp in the walls. Rang the housing company who said no problem as the water will just run away into the water table.

Have had some quotes to install drainage which have varied between £400 and £1400.

Can someone recommend any good drainage companies in South Yorkshire as am at my wits end!.

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