Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:32 am
I've looked through the website and studied T McC's book, but being a novice (DIY), could I check a few things.
I am about to lay a drive of granite setts. The drive will mostly take occasional light traffic but there will occasionally be a 10 ton + truck.
I have prepared a Type1 base which is a little over 200mm below finished level. The setts are 100mm deep, mostly 100mm cubes.
I'd be grateful for any advice on:-
1. What mix to use to lay the setts. And what wetness is recommended?
2. What grout to use - the leading contender seems to be Romex (D2000), but other possibilities are Lithofix 20 and Easipoint Granatech. Any experience on pros and cons, in particular ease of use?
3. All of these seem to recommend a depth of grout of 30mm. How should I fill the joint up to this level? With gravel, or would sand be OK?
4. The setts are fairly uneven, so the joints will be as well, but any views on what width of joint in general looks best. About 15mm?
I am about to lay a drive of granite setts. The drive will mostly take occasional light traffic but there will occasionally be a 10 ton + truck.
I have prepared a Type1 base which is a little over 200mm below finished level. The setts are 100mm deep, mostly 100mm cubes.
I'd be grateful for any advice on:-
1. What mix to use to lay the setts. And what wetness is recommended?
2. What grout to use - the leading contender seems to be Romex (D2000), but other possibilities are Lithofix 20 and Easipoint Granatech. Any experience on pros and cons, in particular ease of use?
3. All of these seem to recommend a depth of grout of 30mm. How should I fill the joint up to this level? With gravel, or would sand be OK?
4. The setts are fairly uneven, so the joints will be as well, but any views on what width of joint in general looks best. About 15mm?