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Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:25 pm
by woody99
I moved into a house about 7 months ago and noticed a strange smell and water leaking from the drive after a month or so.
I happens that when the kitchen was installed before in moved in, the dishwasher and sink wastes were plumber into a rainwater pipe.
However the rain water pipe only ran into a soak away, which was positioned about 1 meter from the house.
The sink and dishwasher wastes were re routed from this drain and the smell went away.
However really smelly water is now trickling accross my cellar floor into a grid, and it appear to be comming through the cellar floor at the same sort of area that the rain down pipe goes into the ground.
Could the smell be the build up of fat in the ground mixing with the water table and leaking into the cellar.
Also how far would the fat have penetrated into the ground and how can it be cleared or broken up.

Thanks for your help.


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:57 pm
by Tony McC
What a catalogue of disasters! Foul plumbed into surface water - disaster! Soakaway less than 5 metres from property - disaster! Water leaking into cellar - disaster!

It could be the foul contamination of the soakaway that is responsible for the smells, but it's impossible to say for certain from this end of the computer.

To counter any residual whiffiness in the soakaway, try Jeyes Fluid. Fats will breakdown naturally in the ground, due to bacterial action, but there could be summat a bit more pongy that might be masked or degraded by a good dose of Jeyes.