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Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 10:53 pm
by granv
Fantastic website, used it as a resource many times, but I have a question now. We're having a conservatory built. Theres an existing IC bang in the middle of it. For many reasons, we wanted this moving outside and stressed this as a "must have". Having coming back after a couple of days away, the builders have simply double sealed the existing IC saying it was too difficult. The layout is as follows:

----------------O My Proposed route
/ +----------|----+
/ | | |Conservatory boundary
O----------------O |
/ | | |
/ +--------- ^---+------- "O" = IC

Sorry for the basic picture, I do have a more detailed JPG. Anyway, I've put on the route I proposed which I was told was not possible due to "knuckles and such". As far as I can tell, there is sufficient fall. Is my plan ok and were the builders a little lazy ? :)

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 4:13 pm
by 84-1093879891
"Knuckles" are found with small diameter pipework, such as internal plumbing: for drainage systems, the term is 'bends' and I can't see why your proposed route could not be followed using standard bends and other fittings. Admittedly, I'm not familiar with your site, and there may be extenuating circumstances, but, from the above sketch, it would seem that the builder just couldn't be arsed and took the easy option, totally disregarding your requirements.

Send me the Jpeg and I'll have a clearer impression of what's happening.