Drive ways

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Post: # 1682Post 99-1093880107

we live on a clay hill and have put crush run down many times trying to have a driveway.The rain water washes down the drive way making gulleys and the rain water washes the crush run away. We are going to asphalt the drive way this time but want to make sure the rain water does not destroy the driveway.


Post: # 1694Post 84-1093879891

When you say "we are going to asphalt the driveway", do you mean you're going to do it as a DIY job, or you're going to bring in a contractor?

In Britain/Ireland, a good contractor would advise on a suitable construction for your driveway, but I don't know how things are done in your part of the world. You have not provided enough info for me to suggest a construction, and I'm not sure that I would suggest a design, as I have no experience of the rather strange methods used for road/driveway building in the States, but, you certainly need to consider what is going to be used to retain the edges, and what, if anything, is going to be used to control the surface water that has caused such problems in the past.

There's no point in slapping down a layer of blacktop and hoping for the best. Some thought is required if this new driveway is to last more than a couple of years, and it may be that you need to employ a professional designer or a civil/pavement engineer to survey the site and propose a suitable construction, but from the very limited amount of information you've provided so far, there's not a lot more I can say!

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