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Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 12:49 pm
by Scotty
I am soon going to be constructing a patio for a friend, however i have a few questions about drainage.

The patio is to run right up next to the house, however the dpc is only 4 inches from the proposed slab surface. Is it possible to put some sort of drain/soakaway between the house and the slabs in order to prevent damp.

Or one run of slabs next to the wall then a channel??
I was told that a gravel filled trench round the outside of the house would be suitable as long as this was kept 150mm below dpc. However this sounds dodgy.

Any help greatly appreciated


Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 2:36 pm
by 84-1093879891
Have a look at the page on Dealing with DPCs which probably has the solution for which you're searching. If not, post back here and I'll talk you thriough other possibilities.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 9:56 am
by Scotty
Thanks for your time Tony.

One further question.

Ensuring that the gravel filled trench is 200mm wide and 150mm below dampcourse. Does the channel need to be lined with concrete at the base? Could water not be allowed to pass through the gravel and drain into the ground below. The soil is very well drained. Or would this cause problems with foundations?



Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 2:33 pm
by 84-1093879891
Does the channel need to be lined with concrete at the base?

Not nesser celery.

Could water not be allowed to pass through the gravel and drain into the ground below?

Yes, that's fine. :)

Would this cause problems with foundations?

Most unlikely, unless you were subject to regular floodings and extremely high levels of rainfall and/or surface water.