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Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 2:26 pm
by Stewpot72
I’ve laid the crusher run and am getting ready to start laying our Indian sandstone flags. As SRB apparently goes off quickly, any thoughts on how much to mix at a time? I’ll be laying the flags myself and although I think of myself as a competent diyer I’m obviously not up to professional speed.
And will I need to clean out my bucket after each mix?
The finished area is about 4 metres square.
Any other advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:03 pm
by MartinL
I've got almost the same question on SRB Slurry coverage as Stewpot so I didnt want to raise another thread.

Instructions on above web page say "A small quantity of the SBR (100ml or so) is placed into a bucket and then dry cement powder is slowly added and stirred in until the desired consistency is achieved."

100ml seems nothing really. It doesnt mention adding any water (is that right: 100ml of SRB and no water?)
It also doesnt give any indication of expected coverage per 100ml of SRB slurry would work with.

I'm going to be laying 11.5m of uncalibrated Indian Sandstone slabs/flags onto 6/1 Sharp Sand/Cement onto an existing concrete 0.9 metre wide path I put down around my house a few years ago (intending to lay slabs/flags later - but not quite so many years later!). That will obviously take me a while with individual bedding so I will definitely have to mix several SRB bonding slurry mixes. I'm thinking I will be laying around 1 square metre per SRB bonding mix.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:40 am
by Bob_A
If you look at the pictures in that articles I would use the quantities that they show.
Reason being is I'm a diyer at a slow pace and I don't want my slurry to go off before I used it. Maybe it would be nothing for a team of workers but it's plenty for me
Remember you are only painting it on (albeit thick) on the back of the slab so it will last a while
BTW no water is used just the SBR and cement :)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:13 pm
by MartinL
Bob_A wrote:If you look at the pictures in that articles I would use the quantities that they show.
Reason being is I'm a diyer at a slow pace and I don't want my slurry to go off before I used it. Maybe it would be nothing for a team of workers but it's plenty for me
Remember you are only painting it on (albeit thick) on the back of the slab so it will last a while
BTW no water is used just the SBR and cement :)
:) Thanks Bob

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:07 am
by Stewpot72
Many thanks for the info.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:29 pm
by Tony McC
Apologies for being late to this - had all sorts of health issues with angina during the heatwave and now an arthritic knee that is driving me mad with pain.

I had great difficulty in preparing that article because not all SBRs are equal.

There was a time, back in the 1980s, when we first started using SBR, that the two or three brands available were fairly standard, and if you had used 100ml of Brand A previously, but could only get Brand B now, then 100ml would be ideal.

Then, about 20 years ago, SBR started to become more and more popular, and some of the more canny suppliers realised that you could sell 4½ litres of SBR mixed with ½ litre of your very finest tap water for the same price as 5 litres of SBR. So, of course, someone else reckoned 4 litres to 1 litre....and that's where we are in 2020....not all SBRs are equal.

So: you have to read the dosing info. Brand A is still saying use 100ml, but that bargain Brand B is now saying use 150ml....and I can't give anyone reliable guidance on the most suitable doasge for their particluar requirement - it all depends on which brand they are using.

It would be *so* useful if all SBRs were just that: SBR, but market forces and all that means, as ever, it is "caveat emptor".

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 9:36 am
by MartinL
Thanks for the comprehensive reply Tony. Hope you get well soon. Sounds like a lifetime of landscaping has taken its toll on your knee.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:23 pm
by Tony McC
Yeah - I'm paying the price now, for sure!

It's almost a month since I wrote that previous post and I'm *still* suffering with the knee. Had a x-ray done about 3 weeks ago and start physio tomorrow with a local therapist who relies on bloody acupuncture to treat anything and everything. Never worked for me previously, and I'm fully confident it won't work for me this time, either!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:58 am
by Bob_A
Hope it goes well for you Tony :)

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:03 am
by Tony McC
Complete. And. Total. Waste. Of. Time.

I have no disc at the base of my spine, walk with the aid of a stick, rely on morphine for pain control, so naturally she suggested......jogging!

If ever there was a FFS, it was then!

I won't be going back.

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 5:49 pm
by lutonlagerlout
sad as it is a stationary bike would help you here gaffer
you can sit on the bloody thing, watch telly,have a cuppa tea,chat etc. and the calories soon wizz by
cheers LLL