Replacing my old worn marshals paving - Replacing my paving.

Patio flagstones (slabs), concrete flags, stone flags including yorkstone and imported flagstones.
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Post: # 119235Post simonhester


I have some very worn old marshals patio flags as in the photo.

Considering replacing them but need some advice on how to lift the old ones and prepare the ground. I laid the original flag about 20 years ago on a full bed of motor I forget the depth and below the mortar was a base layer of mortar that was used to level the old concrete patio that was say 50mm I think

Given the solid concrete base how much mortar is needed for the new flagsinhave read that Indian stone should be 50mm. I'm limited on height as some of the patio is below a raised deck and can't really go up 50mm more. Could I use less say 20mm.


Simon Hester

Tony McC
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Post: # 119322Post Tony McC

Apologies for being late to this - had all sorts of health issues with angina during the heatwave and now an arthritic knee that is driving me mad with pain.

Lifting old flags - prise them up using a nailbar or a crowbar.

Not sure where you've read that a bed of 50mm depth is needed for imported sandstone - the standard is 25-40mm, but you can get away with 20mm, if you use SBR to improve bonding.

Not sure what depth you have for the current flags, but, if they were, say, 50mm, that allows you to use a calibrated 22mm flag and, say a 25-28mm bed, giving 47mm, so no overall uplift.
Site Agent - Pavingexpert

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