Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:47 am
hello all
I'm just starting out on my own after 20 years working for a large tarmac company ,I've got all the kit and i'm raring to go! but could do with a little help on the pricing side, are there any price guidelines to help me on my way, i want to give a fair price but want to earn as well, how do you work out your profit after taking into account 2 trucks ,3 men ,bobcat,roller ,handtools, etc. for instance if i was doing a driveway and it took 20 ton of base,10ton of topping what would be a fair price. (west wales area)
I'm just starting out on my own after 20 years working for a large tarmac company ,I've got all the kit and i'm raring to go! but could do with a little help on the pricing side, are there any price guidelines to help me on my way, i want to give a fair price but want to earn as well, how do you work out your profit after taking into account 2 trucks ,3 men ,bobcat,roller ,handtools, etc. for instance if i was doing a driveway and it took 20 ton of base,10ton of topping what would be a fair price. (west wales area)