Dear Tony
Thanks to your excelent web site I,m at a stage with my patio project that I can lay the flags. Before this however I still need to decide on the colour of my pointing.In your web pages you consistently sugest dark to highlight sand stone flags but all the pictures show this colour with greyish flags.My flags are Stone Market Trustone Fieldland,and are more yellowy.
Would you still stick with dark pointing or would you go for red sand morter as they have in their cataloge.This is a real dilema for me as the flags are very expensive and I want it to look right.
If you happen to have their cataloge the picture is on page 68.
Many Thanks
no offence taken whatsoever,we are here to help, but generally i try and avoid picking for clients/people as if it looks pants they then blame you
as i said i prefer buff or neutral pointing myself,but thats just my humble opinion