Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:33 pm
Fantastic site.
I've got a small area of hard standing for a car - about 6m x 4m. I have a small (almost non-existent!) budget. The area is bounded on 3 sides by old buildings, one of which is a sandstone barn. I want something that is in keeping. The hardstanding area at present is a mixture of mud, very old natural flags, old cobbles and odds and ends of different style bricks some of which were made locally and so to utilize them would be nice! Some of the flags are 3 or 4 inches thick, others more like 1½ inches!
So I have this assortment of bits I'd like to use, all of different sizes and thicknesses, but not enough to cover the whole area!
I could:
1. Get rid of the lot and use driveline 50's ( not as cheap as i'd like the project to be and doesn't have the character i'd like)
2. Use the existing stuff as a border and fill in with driveline 50's
3. Use the existing stuff as a border and fill in with concrete
4. Anything anyone else can think of.
Somehow I want to avoid the look of 1970's crazy paving. Most of the flags I have are pretty square, so hopefully i can avoid the crazed look.
Any thoughts on the above options, any alternatives, or any practicalities of how to do it (eg dealing with the different thickness of flags/bricks) would be appreciated. The area I've described as "Border" would be on three sides and so would not directly need to take the weight of the car
I've got a small area of hard standing for a car - about 6m x 4m. I have a small (almost non-existent!) budget. The area is bounded on 3 sides by old buildings, one of which is a sandstone barn. I want something that is in keeping. The hardstanding area at present is a mixture of mud, very old natural flags, old cobbles and odds and ends of different style bricks some of which were made locally and so to utilize them would be nice! Some of the flags are 3 or 4 inches thick, others more like 1½ inches!
So I have this assortment of bits I'd like to use, all of different sizes and thicknesses, but not enough to cover the whole area!
I could:
1. Get rid of the lot and use driveline 50's ( not as cheap as i'd like the project to be and doesn't have the character i'd like)
2. Use the existing stuff as a border and fill in with driveline 50's
3. Use the existing stuff as a border and fill in with concrete
4. Anything anyone else can think of.
Somehow I want to avoid the look of 1970's crazy paving. Most of the flags I have are pretty square, so hopefully i can avoid the crazed look.
Any thoughts on the above options, any alternatives, or any practicalities of how to do it (eg dealing with the different thickness of flags/bricks) would be appreciated. The area I've described as "Border" would be on three sides and so would not directly need to take the weight of the car