Protecting the slab edge

Setts and cobbles, tarmac, asphalt, resin systems, concrete whether it's plain, patterned or stencilled, gravels, etc.
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Post: # 11753Post gazdai

I am pouring a 100mm thick slab on which to sit a conservatory. I have damp-proof membrane to protect the underside of the slab, but how do you protect its edges?

During heavy rainfall we get puddles in the area around it, due to poor soil drainage, its possible that the edge of the slab will have water up against it - maybe 40mm deep. Is this ok, or should I be doing something now to prevent future problems?

Any advice appreciated! Thanks.

Mark B
Posts: 86
Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Hamilton, Scotland

Post: # 11754Post Mark B

To protect the edges of the slab, just lay out the membrane on the base where to be poured and have the membrane come up the sides of where the slab will be, once the concrete has been poured and has cured, trim away any excess around the edges, this will protect the slab from any damp and water problems.
however, you should also probably look in to doing something to get rid of teh water around the base as this will just cause problems through time. linear drains or somthing similar probably would do the job.


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