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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:02 pm
by neilem

Just wondering if anyone can help some newbies with regards some flag questions. We uncovered Yorkstone flags that were lovingly covered in concrete in the 1960's. As the floor was orignally laid on Ash, a number of flags have delaminated and others have had layers ripped off as we removed the concrete.
Can anyone tell me how to redress (or how they did it originally) flags. Also are delaminated flags of any use? It does seem that most are cracked along "fault lines", so is it possible to split them and redress as most are 4-5 inches thick.

Finally, having looked at loads of other posts, I've seen Resiblock 22, HG Impregnator and Lithofin Impregnator recommended. Our flags are quite light in colour, but also seem prone to 'sandiness', does anyone know if any of the above stand head and shoulders above the others, or will it be trial and error with 3 different products?

Thanks in advance,

Neil & Em

For progress on our work, check our blog :

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:19 am
by bobhughes
I confess that I once poured a concrete floor on top of flags.... Why? Well the cottage was built very cheaply about 100 years before and the flags were dusty and very uneven. It was impossible to stand anything with four legs on it that didn't wobble and we wanted to carpet over it anyway.

Of course I wouldn't do it now, but I am older and wiser (I think) and the sealants you mention weren't around then.

You don't mention your buillding inspector on your blog. Remember that a lot of what you plan to do will have to be approved by him so you need him on your side.

Good luck with the project.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:00 pm
by lutonlagerlout
i would have thought they are riven i.e. they are split across their shortest edge with a hammer and a bolster,you could give it a try but it is a craftsman's job really.
i have down it with wonky indian sandstone and stone floor tiles but its a bit hit and miss
if you are taking the flooor up you will need to insulate the new one (100mm jablite) damp proof it (1200 gauge dpm) and re concrete it (100mm c35 concrete) then screed then flags
or alternatively dont tell the BI then just wait for the damp
good luck
LLL :)