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Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:40 pm
by dig dug dan
Hi people

I did a job recently using stonemarket truslate, and cut 600 x 300 lenghtways to make some copings for a wall.
Problem is, the customer has complained that they are now lifting off. I used a 3-1 soft sand cement mix, but it doesn't seem to have worked.
Is there a way I can just lift off the copings leaving the bed, and "Stick" them down with something. I am loafed to chip off the old mortar as it will spoil the rendering on the front of the wall.
If there is something, where can I buy it?



Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:01 pm
by lutonlagerlout
hi dan ,i used some of marshalls walling adhesive recently and that stuck the dry stone look-a-like blocks like the proverbial to a blanket,im sure ronacret probably do some super doopa sticky stuff as well
try his website
cheers tony LLL :)