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Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:28 pm
by Leaper
finding your web site very informative, but thought I'd ask for specific advise before I started to lay any flags,

I want to lay a patio across the back of the house, we've had an extension built & a garage knocked down, so part of the area has a concrete bed which is sound, I have back filled across the garden with hard core from some of the garage base that was removed. To level it I was going to lay a course of grit sand then beding, but how much sand should I lay before the beding layer

Also due to the level of the concret I was thinking of either using a drain chanel against the wall or using a french drain? what do you think would be best

here's a picture of what it looks like now


ps i
I'm going to be using indian sandstone in mixed size's which can be seen as a rough setting guide so I can trim the concrete to length, also I will be using some sleepers as a retainer & black granite sets for an edging

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:55 am
by Tony McC
How much sand before laying the bedding layer? You've lost me! Why would you lay loose sand under a bedding layer, which by definition is either loose or cement-bound sand?