Paint on the Patio!

Patio flagstones (slabs), concrete flags, stone flags including yorkstone and imported flagstones.
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Post: # 2328Post 105-1093880329

I dropped a paint can from a ladder and the paint went all over the patio paving slabs. (Altogether the paint affects about a dozen 2 ft square slabs). I've tried to remove with white spirit and now (now it has dried good and proper) with paint remover (Nitromors, etc). Any ideas what I could use? Ive heard of using hydrochloric acid - is this likely to work?


Post: # 2332Post 84-1093879891

Hydrochloric acid won't work on paint - it's used for cleaning cement, mortar or concrete stains, and for cleaning up mosses and whathaveyou. Besides, acid has a nasty habit of changing the colouring of concrete flags, so it's best avoided.

Paint Stripper is the way to go, combined with a power washer, perhaps, or a wire brush. Depending on the type of paint and area of spillage, you might be better off ripping out the stained flags and replacing them with new.

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