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Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 5:38 pm
by malanda
Firstly, may I congratulate you on what may be the world's finest website? I only stumbled upon it by accident whilst trying to identify some existing flags that I needed to match.

Anyway, I've now laid my patio extension. I'm very pleased with the result, except I'm having trouble with cracks appearing where the pointing meets the flag. I suspect the mortar may be drying too quickly (we've had warm, windy weather recently). I tried hosing the flags regularly, but it doesn't seem to have solved the problem. Any suggestions, please?

I'm also not sure that I'm using the right amount of plasticiser. I bought a 5 litre bottle from Naylor Myers - it is obviously intended for the trade, but it was only a couple of quid. The instructions are a bit vague, but they talk about using 1 litre in 200 litres of gauging water. So I used 1:200 for my bucketful of mortar. Does this sound about right? (What happens if you get it wrong?)

By the way, it turned out that my flags were made by RLC Pavings in Huddersfield. They don't seem to be mentioned on your links pages.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 7:45 pm
by 84-1093879891
May I congratulate you on your impeccable taste and discerning eye for a fine website? ;)

Give the flags a soaking 12-24 hours before you plan to point them. You don't need to drown them, just enough to cover them with water until it begind to run off rather than be absorbed. Make sure you allow plenty of time for them to dry before doing the actual pointing.

Make up your mortar as stated - 200:1 with the plasticiser is fine; you won't do any harm by adding it at, say 150:1, but you won't do any good, either. It doesn't make a better mortar the more you add - it really does work best at low concentrations and it's always best to follow the instructions on the container.

Point the joints as described, then cover them with sacking, polythene bags, strips of timber or anything you have that will keep the moisture in place for the first 24 hours or so while initial setting takes place.

You may still get micro-cracks within the mortar, but it's not critical unless the cracks are at the interface of the flags and the mortar, which indicates the flags are moving and aren't settled down fully.

After the first 24 hours, you can remove the covers and sweep clean the joints with a soft brush.

As for RLC Pavings, I've never heard of them, but then, there's dozens, possibly hundreds of small, local manufacturers that I've not come across in my time, especially if they aren't based in the NW of England. If you get me a full address or a website url, I'll get in touch with them and add them to my list. :)

Let me know how you get on with the pointing.

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 3:18 pm
by malanda

I've now repointed and made sure it was covered up for a few days, and the end result is much better.

RLC Pavings are at Birdwell Works, New Mill Rd, Brockholes, Holmfirth HD9 7AZ. Tel 01484 664410. I don't know much about them - I just rang up to order and they delivered a week later COD. They do a nice line in fake yorkshire flags.