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Frequency of Contraction Joints

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:57 pm
by Mikey
I've 200mm x 400mm granite setts 100mm deep on a 3m wide 50m long footpath adjacent to the road and subject to occasional vehicle overrun. The setts are to be laid on a rigid 30mm mortar bed and 150mm unreinforced c32/40 conc base. I've been looking into the standards BS7533 to try to understand the frequency and type of joints that might be required along the concrete base of the footpath and wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction of if there is a rule of thumb. I've read conflicting advice but at the moment am running with a single saw cut contraction joint every 5m along the length of footway (footway is 50m long), i'm not sure about the need for an expansion joint and whether this is overkill for a footway but keen to hear if anyone has any advice. I did find the below which advised on the 5m interval saw cuts (page 13) with a 25m interval dayworks dowelled joint. ... LvDtW2FQwr

Re: Frequency of Contraction Joints

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:08 pm
by lutonlagerlout
not sure why you would lay concrete and then use a mortar bed?
surely better just to use 150mm sub base compacted in 2 layers
then bed your blocks onto a 5:1 grit sand cement mix
contraction or expansion joints never a bad idea, but may be overkill for a footpath
cheers LLL