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Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:20 am
by Bob_A
A new topic in the new website
Maintaining Clean Paving using Biocides
Any suggestions of what is readily available? I've noticed some products such as Wet&Forget which I'm guessing might be a biocide but I'm just wondering if a non branded substance from a chemical company would do the job?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:21 am
by Tony McC
I've been testing W&F and the BlockBusters stuff over the winter. Both have worked, but the W&F is easier to apply and seems to be slightly more effective.

I want to set up a more throrough test of a wider range of products but finding suitable test patios/driveways isn't easy.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:22 am
by Bob_A
Because I've been looking at Wet And Forget on the web I've been getting those messages suggesting similar products, one of them being Spray And Leave from Spear and Jackson. You can get 2x 5L of the stuff on ebay for £30 delivered making it considerably cheaper than W&F. But is it any good?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:13 am
by Bob_A
Bob_A wrote:Because I've been looking at Wet And Forget on the web I've been getting those messages suggesting similar products, one of them being Spray And Leave from Spear and Jackson. You can get 2x 5L of the stuff on ebay for £30 delivered making it considerably cheaper than W&F. But is it any good?
I was channel hopping on the TV and briefly stopped on a shopping channel when I saw this S&J Spray and Leave. They were claiming results after only 5 days. Is that too good to be true?
Cost is approx half of Wet N Forget.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:23 pm
by lutonlagerlout
generally you get what you pay for Bob
Gaffer i am up for any trials with my north facing modak rose patio
it goes completely green every winter


Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 10:09 am
by Tony McC
I have a long, drawn out and very, very tedious 'deal' with a particular supplier to run trials on their various cleaning materials. It's been under discussion for at least 3 years and they promised it would all be ready to go this Spring.....and I've heard nowt from them since November.

I know they are rushed off their feet, and a thousand-and-one other things to get on with, but it's become a running joke that i email or call every 3 months asking when I can expect some progress.

So: as soon as they get their act together, I shall let you know......