Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:09 am
Hi all,
First of all I wanted to say I have been visiting this web site for many years and it amazes me how comprehensive it is on the subject of paving.
Nevertheless I could not find the answer to my question hence posting here. Forgive me if this is actually addressed properly already but it is such a vast site I thought I would probably get a quicker answer posting the question.
I have decided to go for the option of permeable resin bound surface for my 31sqm front patio/garden and got a surprisingly affordable quote for LONDON from a BALI registered landscaper (half the price of other quotes so a bit too good to be true !).
Looking at the details the contractor is offering to lay the resin bound materials over compacted cold tarmac that come in 25Kg bags itself coming above a proper permeable sub-base of say 100 to 150mm thick.
My question is about the reliability and suitably of cold tarmac over a proper sub-base to cater for a resign bound surface. Is it good enough or is the contractor cutting corners here (hence the price)?
FYI I will be driving a 160Kg+ scooter over the surface twice a day 250 days a year or so and the last thing I need is subsidence or cracks because of the weight.
Thank you in advance for any advice you would be happy to share with me on the subject,
First of all I wanted to say I have been visiting this web site for many years and it amazes me how comprehensive it is on the subject of paving.
Nevertheless I could not find the answer to my question hence posting here. Forgive me if this is actually addressed properly already but it is such a vast site I thought I would probably get a quicker answer posting the question.
I have decided to go for the option of permeable resin bound surface for my 31sqm front patio/garden and got a surprisingly affordable quote for LONDON from a BALI registered landscaper (half the price of other quotes so a bit too good to be true !).
Looking at the details the contractor is offering to lay the resin bound materials over compacted cold tarmac that come in 25Kg bags itself coming above a proper permeable sub-base of say 100 to 150mm thick.
My question is about the reliability and suitably of cold tarmac over a proper sub-base to cater for a resign bound surface. Is it good enough or is the contractor cutting corners here (hence the price)?
FYI I will be driving a 160Kg+ scooter over the surface twice a day 250 days a year or so and the last thing I need is subsidence or cracks because of the weight.
Thank you in advance for any advice you would be happy to share with me on the subject,