can any one tell me wot labour rate i should charge for laying block paving , not includeing materials i just need to go in and screed the sand and lay blocks with wot ever cuts aswell plus brush sand in the joints?
Nobody can tell you what to charge. You need to work out your business expenses, how much you expect to earn a year then figure out what daily rate that translates to.
A decent 3 man squad should be able to throw in 40-50m2 a day no problems so at £10m2 you'll earn £130 to £160 a day per man thats a good living by any standards. That said awkward trims paths and back gardens and the rate goes out the window and work it out on time. I don't do m2 rates until I hit 80m2 because you end up allowing 2 days but it invitably turns into another day due to snags etc.