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Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 1:12 pm
by meldy
I was very pleased to come across this web site, it's superb. I share an access road with some neighbours and a skip hire company. We are all happy to contribute to renewing the road surface which has numerous potholes. The surface I have been told is 'rolled stone tarmac or asphalt'. We would like to get some prices for resurfacing and would like to give the contractors a brief/spec of what we require. Can you advise me of what I should write in the brief/spec as I am not sure if the existing surface would have to be broken up etc. We also have a problem of water collecting and would need some soakaways and kerbs.
Thanks, I have already picked up some useful info from your site.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 12:43 pm
by Tony McC
Without seeing the site, I can't really give you a detailed spec. There are some 'off-the-shelf' spec clauses on the mian website, but your project will need a site survey and a detailed spec creating just for that job.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:58 pm
by moot de noo
Hi Meldy,

I would suggest contacting your Local Authority Highways department and asking them to recommend a contractor. Most of the major contractors will give a fairly detailed spec as part of the quote, obviously dependant on the options.

Good luck :;):