Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:51 am
What a fantastic web site. The best I have ever seen. I happened upon it yesterday at 7p.m. and didn't exit until dragged off to bed at 1a.m. It is an incredible creation which deserves serious recognition and award. Many congratulations!
After a major house extension I have 200+m2 of CBP to pick up and relay after constructing a respectable base. The existing surface is badly deformed and covered in concrete, mortar and rendering splashes.
Rather than trying to clean the blocks in accordance with your site recommendations would it be possible to simply invert the blocks and use the 'clean' underside as the new top surface. The blocks are 200x100x65 and the original top surface has bevelled edges which the underside does not have so I would lose the V detail at the top of the block joints. This may be good news as it would not provide such an accommodating site for the development of weeds and moss which is a big problem.
Apologies if this info is already on your very comprehensive site but your advice would be much appreciated.
Best regards
After a major house extension I have 200+m2 of CBP to pick up and relay after constructing a respectable base. The existing surface is badly deformed and covered in concrete, mortar and rendering splashes.
Rather than trying to clean the blocks in accordance with your site recommendations would it be possible to simply invert the blocks and use the 'clean' underside as the new top surface. The blocks are 200x100x65 and the original top surface has bevelled edges which the underside does not have so I would lose the V detail at the top of the block joints. This may be good news as it would not provide such an accommodating site for the development of weeds and moss which is a big problem.
Apologies if this info is already on your very comprehensive site but your advice would be much appreciated.
Best regards