Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:28 am
Having a fairly large drive blocked, (roughly sqaure shaped drive) Currently driveway is level between house and road (no natural fall in any direction) Planing to have a four way slope, ie from each corner to the middle, where there will be a drain grill and soakaway underneath (will also be used for gutter drainage via normal underground pipework). thinking of having a circular pattern across whole drive, centred on drain and radiating out.similar to picture on page 116 of current Marshallss catalogue (drvivesett duo circle) Anyone have any pictures or thoughts on how this might look bearing in mind there will be a four way slope to the middle.?
Also if using blocks that have more of a 'cobbled' effect, are they harder to keep free of dirt, weeds etc in-bertween the blocks?
Also if using blocks that have more of a 'cobbled' effect, are they harder to keep free of dirt, weeds etc in-bertween the blocks?