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Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:07 pm
by kwaker5
We were thinking of using Haworth Moor setts in Autumn Bronze for our drive until we got a price (£60/m2)! We need about 75m2.
Does anyone know of any cheaper alternative and am I right in thinking they are shipped over from India?
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:56 pm
by Tony McC
The Haworth Moor setts do indeed come from the missing "Riding" that turned up in northern India a few years ago. I've mentioned before my dislike for the marketing-bullshit that uses evocative British/Northern names for non-native materials. I think it misleading and using teeny-weeny print to state "name does not imply geographical origin" is a worthy successor to the sort of sales tactics used by Gerald Ratner and Lonrho (in their day).
However, if you want to pay less than around 5060 quid per square metre, you will almost certainly have to buy imported setts, probably from India, but maybe from China, Turkey, Poland or Vietnam, depending on the type of stone. There are plenty suppliers listed on the Stone Suppliers Links page - try to choose a local supplier. If you have any problems, it's always much easier to deal with someone a few miles away than someone at the far end of the country.