Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:00 pm
Hi, I have a small area of my drive (100cm circumference) that has sunk by about 2cm at its deepest. Like most of London, we are on clay. I have read all the postings and pages on sinkage and am quite confident that I can tackle this task.
My question is, can I do the job without the aid of a compactor plate or not? Seems a bit of an overkill to get a huge lump of machinery on it for just a small area not to mention the nightmare of trying to get one from hire shop to house without the aid of a van. I was going to compact the base after introducing some more type one with a club hammer onto a piece of wood, add suitable amount of sand and compact again with wood and hammer combo and then scree. Finally, I was going to bang the blocks (once nicely in place and proud of their neighbours) with a rubber mallet.
Am I a tight fisted eejit or could this be done??
(Edited by shrubbery at 8:19 am on July 24, 2004)
My question is, can I do the job without the aid of a compactor plate or not? Seems a bit of an overkill to get a huge lump of machinery on it for just a small area not to mention the nightmare of trying to get one from hire shop to house without the aid of a van. I was going to compact the base after introducing some more type one with a club hammer onto a piece of wood, add suitable amount of sand and compact again with wood and hammer combo and then scree. Finally, I was going to bang the blocks (once nicely in place and proud of their neighbours) with a rubber mallet.
Am I a tight fisted eejit or could this be done??
(Edited by shrubbery at 8:19 am on July 24, 2004)