cookiewales wrote:give me a call anytime i do like pink setts where in the country are you
got ya your only down the road i live in acomb york now
York thats handy I might have to come and do a couple of days labouring for you get some tips. The biggest sett job i have done was about 50m2 and took an eternity. It was another whacky job, we did a football design and LUFC 2000 in raised setts for a Leeds fan to commemorate them getting into the champions league. If you get any leads on that quantity pink granite let us know. The chap were doing it for is in the Scrap metal business so has a few contacts in demolition. We were hoping to find some still in situe so we can check the quality, get them all from one batch and lift them ourselves. So far the only gear we have found was from a foundary and they had a lot of rust on them which we were'nt sure would come off.
Did you install that Johnny I've done a few similar and they were seriously pricey but urned out well. All mine were reclaimed victorian jobs except one which was cut from Irish buff Granite and kept springing leaks. Looks good and should weather down well.
Yeah we installed. There was a fountain there previously which was knackered, cables trailing everywhere etc. We basically started again with the existing hole in the ground.
It's a replica of the fountain at Eton College as far as I understand. as you say, big bucks. Not many of them for me though as it was a bit of a labour of love.
My only issue right now is that the manufacturer have said no chemicals to keep it clean - in a normal case you'd chuck a bit of chlorine in now and then to self clean. Apparently anything chloriney-based will corrode the reconstituted stone. They reckon a bit of clarifier will sort it, what a load of tosh so far.
Decent filters and UV tube should do the trick along with a power wash once a year it's nigh on impossible to keep any kind of stone clean once it comes in contact with water although the water itself will remain clear.